Government Aided Pharmacy College Permanently Affiliated To University Of Mumbai, Approved By AICTE DTE And PCI, Accreditated by National Board of Accreditation for UG Program For the Academic Years 2017-18 To 2021-22 i.e.up to 30.06.2022

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To Provide Excellence in Transformative and Interdisciplinary Pharmacy Education for Fostering Innovation and Research Towards Advancement of Sustainable Global Healthcare.


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Faculty of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department

Name of the Faculty: Dr. Krishna Ramalingam Iyer

Designation: Head and Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry


Teaching Fields : Pharmaceutical chemistry, basic biotechnology, pharmacokinetics, basic and advanced biochemistry, drug metabolism

Educational Qualifications:

Sr no. Degree University Year of Passing
1) Ph. D. Minnesota (USA) 1992
2) M. Pharm. Mumbai University 1987
3) B. Pharm. Mumbai University 1985

Awards and Fellowships:(ALL)

Sr no. Award/Fellowship University
1) Best paper award Kadam RS and Iyer KR, Isolation of different animal liver xanthine oxidase containingfractions and determination of kinetic parameters for xanthine. Indian J. Pharm. Sci., 69(1), 41-45, 2007, in the field of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology 2010
2) Assistant Editor - Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2001-present
3) Co-editor - Asian Chemistry Letters Vol. 5(2), 2001, Special Issue on Drug discovery and development 2001
4) 1996 James R. Gillette Best Paper Award in drug metabolism, among all the articles in the 1996 issues of Drug Metabolism and Disposition. 1997
5) Publication entitled "Selectively deuterated warfarin....." selected for the 1996 James R. Gillette Best Paper Award in drug metabolism, among all the articles in the 1996 issues of Drug Metabolism and Disposition. 1996
6) Best Poster Award at the 5th North American ISSX meeting, Tucson, Arizona, USA 1993
7) University of Minnesota President's Student Leadership and Service Award 1991
8) Elected to Who's Who among Students in American Colleges and Universities 1984

Recent Publications: (Best Five in last five years)

Sr no. Paper Title(Best Five in last five years) Journal Details
1) Quantifying ligand-receptor interactions for gorge spanning acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for the treatment of alzheimer's disease Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics, 2014, 1-69.
2) Parallel Combinatorial Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation of Ester and Amide Prodrugs of Flurbiprofen, Ibuprofen and Ketoprofen. Indian J.Pharm. Educ. Res. 2009 43(2)
3) Evaluation of cytochrome P450 2D6 phenotyping in healthy adult Western Indians. Indian J Pharmacol., 46, 266-269, 2014.
4) Assessment of rat hepatic cytochromeP450 induction and inhibition potential of chlorogenic acid. Indian J. Pharm. Edu. Res., 45(1), 32-39, 2011.
5) The significance and determination of plasma protein binding. Encyclopedia of Drug Metabolism and Interactions, 6-Volume Set, First Edition. Lyubimov AV Ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., USA, Chapter 12, pp 1-18, 2014

Awards and Honours

Sr no. Presentation Title(Best Five in last five years) Conference Details
1) RP-HPLC method for the estimation of GST activities in different animal hepatic fractions: Comparison with traditional UV method. University of Mumbai’s Avishkar Research Convention 2013-2014, Mumbai, India, Jan 6 & 8, 2014.
2) Effect of commonly used organic solvents of enzyme kinetic parameters of cytochrome P450 mediated reactions in rat liver microsomes, Fifth International symposium on “Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics Symposium: Applications Toward Drug Discovery and Development”, held at NIPER, Mohali, India, March 8-9, 2013.
3) Comparison of UV spectrophotmetric and RP-HPLC method for estimation of GST activities in animal hepatic subcellular fractions Fifth International symposium on “Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics Symposium: Applications Toward Drug Discovery and Development”, held at NIPER, Mohali, India, March 8-9, 2013.
4) Evaluation of the activity of cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) in normal, healthy, western Indian population by phenotyping 5th International Conference of South Asian Chapter of American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Mumbai, India, August 26-28, 2011.
5) Evaluation of cocktail approach for phenotyping of CYP2A6, CYP2C9 and N-acetyl transferase activities. /62nd Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, Manipal, India, December 2010.

Collaborations: (in current year)

Sr no. Title Industry/institute
1) Three year of Fellowship for metabolic studies Bristol Mayer Squibb

Research Area and interest:


Teaching duties include pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical biotechnology, basic and advanced biochemistry, basic and advanced drug metabolism, and pharmacokinetics. Research interests include mechanistic drug metabolism, evaluation of in vitro drug metabolism methodology, development of in vitro enzyme assays for drug metabolizing enzymes, population phenotyping and genotyping, and drug- drug interaction predictions.

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Name of the Faculty: Mr. Abhijeet T. Dalvvi

Designation: Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry


Teaching Fields : General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Biochemistry

Educational Qualifications:

Sr no. Degree University Year of Passing
1) PhD (Tech.). Mumbai University Pursuing
2) M. Pharm. Shivaji University, Kolhapur 2005
3) B. Pharm. Pune University 2002

Research Area and interest:


Pharmacology of medicinal plants, Synthesis of NCEs

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