Government Aided Pharmacy College Permanently Affiliated To University Of Mumbai, Approved By AICTE DTE And PCI, Accreditated by National Board of Accreditation for UG Program For the Academic Years 2017-18 To 2021-22 i.e.up to 30.06.2022

Only Pharmacy College in INDIA awarded Best Industry Linked Institute in Pharmacy Mentor category by AICTE-CII


To Provide Excellence in Transformative and Interdisciplinary Pharmacy Education for Fostering Innovation and Research Towards Advancement of Sustainable Global Healthcare.


To Provide Quality Education and Training in Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences.
To Engage in Collaborative Translational Research in Healthcare Sciences and Technology
To Commit towards Social Responsibilities through Outreach Programs, Inculcate Entrepreneurial Spirit, and Promote Lifelong Ethical Learning.

College Discipline


1. According to Ordinance6086of the University of Mumbai, 70% of attendance is necessary for appearing in semester examination. College is very particular about this and every month a cumulative attendance of students is put up on the notice board.
2. For research students on funded projects, daily attendance through signature and biometrics is mandatory. Students not abiding or absent will face disciplinary action.

In premises

1. Students need to carry their ID card at all the times
2. Decent behaviour is expected from students. College is under CCTV surveillance any immoral activity would invite disciplinary action.
3. Students with improper clothing will not be allowed in the campus.
4. Students are not allowed to sit on walls, terraces or tables in the canteen.
5. Students must attend lectures, practicals, tutorials, etc. as per the time table. They must not be absent from classes, practical's, tutorials, examinations etc. without written permission of the Principal.
6. Forming any Society or Association in the College is not permitted.
7. No person should be invited on the College campus without the prior permission of the Principal. The Principal reservesthe right to refuse such permission.
8. Displaying any Notice/Circular/Poster/Banner in the College premises without the prior permission of the Principal is STRICTLY prohibited.
9. Conducting any political activity in the College premises is not allowed.
10. Damaging College property, utensils and equipment will have to be compensated the damage.
11. Playing music on transistors, tape-recorders, mobile telephones or any other similar gadgets is strictly prohibited in the college premises.
12. Students must attend all the classes. Boys found loitering near the Girls’ Common Room are liable for punishment.
13. Students are not allowed to communicate any information about College matters to the Press.

Working hours

1. The working hours of college is from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
2. Undergraduate students are not allowed after 6:00 pm.
3. Undergraduate students may be given occasional permission to stay till 9:00 pm for a gathering. All meetings, cultural programs, debates, elocutions, etc. organized on the college premises must be held in presence of a teaching staff member and with the prior permission of the Principal. The subjects of debates/elocutions must have the prior approval of the Principal.
4. Research students can seek a permission to stay late night. Female research students are allowed to stay till 7:30 pm while male research students are permitted till 9:00 pm. Permission has to be sought in advance through gate pass duly signed by research guide(s)/faculty member, the superintendent and the Principal.

In Laboratory

1. Students should familiarise themselves with laboratory procedures and all safety protocols when entering the laboratories.
2. The students should compulsorily wear an apron in the laboratories and goggles whenever necessary
3. Female students should not wear scarf and dupattas in the laboratories.
4. Students must tuck their hair in the apron and laboratory caps should be worn all times.
5. Students should handle all chemicals with great care. No chemicals should be inhaled, tasted or sniffed.
6. Open bottles of chemicals should be kept at a safe distance from face and body.
7. Do not suck chemicals through a pipette but use rubber bulbs or automated pipette provided.
8. Keep burners at a distant from inflammable substances
9. Never eat or drink in the laboratory.
10. Never run around in the laboratory.
11. Never carry out any experiment in the absence of trained staff.

In Libraryand Computer room

1. Always carry your library card and identity card to the library.
2. No bags or books are allowed in the library.
3. No books are allowed to be taken out without following the protocol for issuing the books.
4. Any damage to library book will have to be compensated.
5. Do not eat or drink in the library.
6. Mobile phones are not allowed in the library.
7. Do not chit chat in the library?
8. Do not visit unauthorized websites on the computer.
9. Always keep a backup of your data.
10. Do not try to fiddle/alter with the computer systems

Acts of misbehaviour, misconduct, indiscipline or violation of the Rules of Discipline mentioned above are liable for one or more punishments as below:

1. Warning to the student.
2. Warning to the student as well as a letter to the parents.
3. Imposition of a fine.
4. Denial of sports activity, library, laboratory or any other facility for a specified period or for the whole term/year.
5. Cancellation of terms.
6. Expulsion from the College for a specified period.

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