Government Aided Pharmacy College Permanently Affiliated To University Of Mumbai, Approved By AICTE DTE And PCI, Accreditated by National Board of Accreditation for UG Program For the Academic Years 2017-18 To 2021-22 i.e.up to 30.06.2022

Only Pharmacy College in INDIA awarded Best Industry Linked Institute in Pharmacy Mentor category by AICTE-CII


To Provide Excellence in Transformative and Interdisciplinary Pharmacy Education for Fostering Innovation and Research Towards Advancement of Sustainable Global Healthcare.


To Provide Quality Education and Training in Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences.
To Engage in Collaborative Translational Research in Healthcare Sciences and Technology
To Commit towards Social Responsibilities through Outreach Programs, Inculcate Entrepreneurial Spirit, and Promote Lifelong Ethical Learning.

Laboratories and Instrumental Facilities

The Bombay College of Pharmacy is well equipped with laboratories and equipment to give the students hands on training in the field of pharmacy. The college has sufficient number of labs for undergraduate training in all the major areas of pharmacy. The labs are well furnished and designed to permit students ample working space. All security measures have been put in place to assist in case of emergencies. The area of the laboratories complies with AICTE standards (75sqM) and the equipments are maintained as per PCI guidelines. Every six months an audit of chemicals is conducted by the lab attendants.

The College is running postgraduate and PhD program in five streams. Sixteen of eighteen faculty members have been approved as research guide postgraduate studies while eleven of them also guide PhD students. The College provides each department a separate laboratory where each student is assigned a working table. Bombay College of Pharmacy has a long history of research. The college has been continuously updating and upgrading instruments necessary for the cutting edge. Instruments have been purchased through funds from government, industry, and the management.

Other than working laboratories the college also has a Central Instrument room where common instruments as well as instruments requiring air conditioning are kept. Each instrument is operated through a SOP and a log book for efficient functioning. To provide the instrument a non-fluctuating power supply college has installed huge stabilizers and sturdy power connections.

Following is a list of major instruments installed at various laboratories.

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

• Seventeen Node (Intel Xeon Processor High Performance Computing Cluster (HPC)
• FT-IR (Jasco, Japan)
• Microwave synthesizer (CEM, Discover System, Model No 908010)
• High end computing Workstations from Silicon Graphics Inc, USA.
• Molecular modeling software

a. InsightII (Accelrys Inc., USA) / Discovery Studio 3.1 (Accelrys Inc., USA)
b. Sybyl (Tripos Inc. USA)
e. GROMACS (Switzerland), OpenEye etc.
f. Maestro (Schrodinger, Inc., USA)

• Ultra low temperature (-80°C) freezer (Pooja Labs)
• Digital polarimeter (Jasco, Japan)
• High speed centrifuge (Kendro Labs, Switzerland)
• Two HPLC systems with binary gradient pumps (Thermofinnigan, USA and Jasco, Japan)
• Lab orbital shaker
• Catalytic hydrogenator
• Parallel station synthesizer (Mettler Toledo)
• Rota evaporator, vacuum pump with vacuum controller (Buchi, Switzerland)
• Flash Chromatography with automated sample collector

Department of Pharmacology

Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

• High performance thin layer chromatography
• Supercritical fluid extraction
• VirTisBenchtopLyophilizer 2K XL
• Rotavap (BUCHI)
• Inverted microscope
• Biosafety cabinet
• Elisa reader

Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis

• UV Visible Spectrophotometer
• Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer
• HPLC with Fluorescence detector
• HPLC with UV detector
• TLC viewing cabinet
• Orbital shaker
• Quartz double distillation unit
• Refrigerator
• PDA detector
• Low temperature synthesizer

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