Government Aided Pharmacy College Permanently Affiliated To University Of Mumbai, Approved By AICTE DTE And PCI, Accreditated by National Board of Accreditation for UG Program For the Academic Years 2017-18 To 2021-22 i.e.up to 30.06.2022

Only Pharmacy College in INDIA awarded Best Industry Linked Institute in Pharmacy Mentor category by AICTE-CII


To educate and train students in the knowledge and practice of pharmaceutical sciences and to contribute to improvement of health of the society, through education and research programs.


To be a leader in Pharmacy Education, Pharmacy Training, and Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Certificate Courses currently ongoing at BCP

1.DATA ANALYTICS IN HEALTHCARE offered by Bombay College of Pharmacy and Navigo Analytix in association with The Indian Pharmaceutical Association-Maharashtra State Branch.

Do you want to be Data Scientist in the healthcare sector? 20,000 plus jobs will be in India in the next 2 years.

Get certified through this 3 months online interactive reputed certificate course approved by the Academic Council of Bombay College of Pharmacy-Autonomous.
The course includes Healthcare applications, Statistics, Excel, Python, Tableau, Machine Learning, and much more from the reputed faculty.
Hands-on, Interactive, Recorded videos for ltd period, Notes & readymade algorithms in ML.
16 th Batch of three months, 8 credits, Online Certificate Course starting on 27 July 2024 (Only 10 Students per batch).
Register at:
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Valedictory Function Apr 2021 Batch 8th Aug 21 https:

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